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Vorlesung Rechnernetze (Winter 2023/2024)
Introductory Seminar Algorithms for Computer Networks (Winter 2023/2024)
Projects and Theses (Winter 2023)
Advanced Seminar CoNe (Computer Networks)
Lab Course: Computer Networks and Telematics (Winter 2023)
Vorlesung Graphentheorie (Sommer 2023)
Einführungsvorlesung in Graphentheorie für Bachelorstudenten der Informatik
Seminar Algorithms for Computer Networks (Summer 2023)
This is a seminar to be offered in the Summer semester 2023 for Master students in Computer Science and Embedded Systems Engineering
Peer-to-Peer-Networks (Summer 2023)
Lecture for Master of Science students of Computer Science and Embedded Systems.