Distributed Systems (Sommer 2016)
Joint lecture of Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer and Dr. Sven Köhler
- 11.4.2016: Website is online
After an introduction into the world of distributed systems we discuss the following topics.
- System models
- Coordination and agreement
- Fault and asynchrony
- Global states and time
- Impossibility proofs
- System architectures
- Replication, reliability
- Distributed transactions
Lecture (Peter Fischer and Sven Köhler)
- Monday, 16:00 - 18:00 c.t., Room 101-01-009/013
- Wednesday, 10:00 - 12:00 c.t., Room 101-01-009/013
- Wednesday, 10:00 - 12:00 c.t., Room 101-01-009/013
For this lecture a forum is available. Here, substantive and organizational questions can be discussed. A registration is not necessary.
Lectures (Köhler)
- 18.4.2016: Introduction, Models
- 20.4.2016: Two Generals Problem
- 25.4.2016: Trees
- 27.4.2016: Causality part 1
- 02.5.2016: Causality part 2, Clock Synchronization part 1
- 09.5.2016: Clock Synchronization part 2
- 11.5.2016: Consensus part 1
- 23.5.2016: Consensus part 2
- 30.5.2016: Consensus part 3
Lectures (Fischer)
- 01.6.2016: Introduction
- 06.6.2016: ...
- 13.6.2016: ...
- 15.6.2016
- 20.6.2016
- 27.6.2016
- 29.6.2016
- 04.7.2016
- 11.7.2016
- 13.7.2016
- 18.7.2016
The exercise sheets are available for download in ILIAS.
Submit your solutions electronically in PDF form to our web system.
- 04.5.2016: Discussion of sheet01
- 25.5.2016: Discussion of sheet02
- 08.6.2016: Discussion of sheet03
- 22.6.2016
- 06.7.2016
- 20.7.2016
All material (slides, recordings, exercise sheets) is available on ILIAS.
There will be either a written or oral exam, depending on the number of students. Please register on-line using the campus management system. There are no requirements for the registration and please observe the registration deadline.
Update: due to the number of students, there will be a written exam.
Update 2: The exam will place on September 23rd, 9am in in room 101-00-026.
Update 3: You may take a look at the written exams on Monday, October 17th at 5pm in room 01-026, building 51
- Distributed Computing, Fundamentals, Simulations, and Advanced Topics. Hagit Attiya and Jennifer Welch.
- Distributed Algorithms. Nancy Lynch
- Distributed Systems, Concepts and Design. Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg, and Blair
- Distributed Systems, Principles and Paradigms. Tanenbaum and Van Steen
- Transactional Information Systems. Weikum and Vossen.
- Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems. Bernstein, Hadzilacos, and Goodman
- Principles of Distributed Database Systems. Özsu and Valduriez