Lecture Algorithms for Wireless Communication (Summer 2022)
Christian Schindelhauer
- 26.06.2022 The last lecture will be presented over Zoom. Students may come to the lecture hall, but only the zoom presentation will be shown.
- 31.05.2022 No live lecture. Online lecture can be downloaded from ILIAS (for technical reasons it will not be published befure 09.06.2022}.
- 02.06.2022 Next exercise class
- 05.04.2022 Web-page online
- 23.04.2022 ILIAS online
- 26.04.2022 10:15 First lecture
The course offers a selected view from the wide area of topics regarding wireless communication under the algorithmic and partly also the information theoretic view. E.g. wireless communication models in computer science and information theory. Physical foundations of wireless communication: electromagnetic and accoustic communication. Radio Networking. Multi- and single-commodity flow problems, shortest path for route detection and optimization for congestions, delay and energy. Network coding, graph embedding, MIMO power gain and diversity gain.
- Tuesday 10-12 (ct) 051-00-031/Zoom (Zoom Meeting-ID: 626 4029 7585, Password: AlgWC2022)
this will be an on-site lecture, which will be recorded and made available online. The first lectures will be also streamed on Zoom (in case there is considerate demand this service may be continued throughout the course).
- Tuesday 10-12 (ct) 051-00-031/Zoom (Zoom Meeting-ID: 626 4029 7585, Password: AlgWC2022)
will be performed online and on-site at the same time. Exercise sheets will be published on ILIAS.
For this lecture we use the forum of the ILIAS system.
Depending on the number of students there will be an oral or written exam. The cut-off number is 12 students. The oral exam last 30 minutes. The written exam of 90 minutes for the master students in a room to be announced. Please register on-line using the campus management system. There are no requirements for the registration and please observe the registration deadline.
is given in the lecture and in ILIAS.