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Proseminar Rechnernetze (WiSe 2024/25)


  • Erstes Treffen, 14.10.2024, 12 Uhr, Raum 106-04-007
  • ILIAS Webseite erzeugt 


  • 1st meeting, 14.10.2024, 12 Uhr, Vorstellung der Themen, Themenvergabe über ILIAS
  • KW 43: Wie funktioniert Wissenschaft?
  • KW 44: Plagiat, wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten
  • KW 45: Literaturübersicht, wissenschaftliche Präsentation
  • KW 46-51, 2023, KW 2-KW 6: Präsentationen der Teilnehmer


Die Teilnehmer arbeiten in Zweiergruppen und präsentieren Forschung und Technologien im Bereich der Computernetzwerke auf der Grundlage ihrer eigenen Forschung oder vorgegebener Arbeiten.


  1. Zusammenfassung von maximal 3 Seiten in LaTeX, exportiert als PDF (1/4)

  2. 30-minütige Präsentation mit Foliensatz (Abgabetermin für die Folien: Mittwoch vor dem Präsentationstermin) (1/2)

  3. 15-minütige erfolgreiche Q&A-Sitzung (1/4)

Alle Präsentationen werden aufgezeichnet. Der Bericht und der Foliensatz werden von den Teilnehmern auf ILIAS hochgeladen.


Weitere Themen werden noch bekannt gegeben.

  1. Illumination
    1. Eppstein, D., 2022. Reflections in an octagonal mirror maze. arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.11413.
    2. Abrahamsen, Mikkel, Anna Adamaszek, and Tillmann Miltzow. "Irrational guards are sometimes needed." arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.05475 (2017).
    3. Ashok, P. and Reddy, M.M., 2019. Efficient guarding of polygons and terrains. In Frontiers in Algorithmics: 13th International Workshop, FAW 2019, Sanya, China, April 29–May 3, 2019, Proceedings 13 (pp. 26-37). Springer International Publishing.
  2. Localization
    1. Li, B., Dempster, A.G. and Wang, J., 2011. 3D DOPs for positioning applications using range measurements. Wireless sensor network, 3(10), p.334.
    2. Su, D., Vidal-Calleja, T. and Miro, J.V., 2017, May. Towards real-time 3D sound sources mapping with linear microphone arrays. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 1662-1668). IEEE.
    3. An, I., Son, M., Manocha, D. and Yoon, S.E., 2018, May. Reflection-aware sound source localization. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 66-73). IEEE.
    4. Alsadik, B. and Karam, S., 2021. The simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)-An overview. Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends, 2(02), pp.147-158.
  3. Internet
    1. Bermbach, D. et al. (2018). A Research Perspective on Fog Computing. In: Braubach, L., et al. Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2017 Workshops. ICSOC 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10797. Springer, Cham.
    2. Starnberger, G., Kruegel, C. and Kirda, E., 2008, September. Overbot: a botnet protocol based on Kademlia. In Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Security and privacy in communication netowrks (pp. 1-9).
    3. Presley, J., Wang, X., Ai, X., Yu, T., Brandel, T., Podder, P., Patil, V., Afanasyev, A., Feltus, F.A., Zhang, L. and Shannigrahi, S., 2024, February. Hydra: A scalable decentralized p2p storage federation for large scientific datasets. In 2024 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) (pp. 810-816). IEEE
    4. K. Cao, Y. Liu, G. Meng and Q. Sun, "An Overview on Edge Computing Research," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 85714-85728, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2991734.

    5. Krämer, M., Bormann, P., Würz, H.M., Kocon, K., Frechen, T. and Schmid, J., 2024. A cloud-based data processing and visualization pipeline for the fibre roll-out in Germany. Journal of Systems and Software, 211, p.112008.
    6. Hoang, N.P., Niaki, A.A., Dalek, J., Knockel, J., Lin, P., Marczak, B., Crete-Nishihata, M., Gill, P. and Polychronakis, M., 2021. How Great is the Great Firewall? Measuring China's {DNS} Censorship. In 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21) (pp. 3381-3398).
    7. Stafford, V., 2020. Zero trust architecture. NIST special publication, 800, p.207.
  4. Peer-to-Peer
    1.  Michael Feldmann, Christian Scheideler, and Stefan Schmid. 2020. Survey on Algorithms for Self-stabilizing Overlay Networks. ACM Comput. Surv. 53, 4, Article 74 (July 2021) 
    2. Götte, T., Hinnenthal, K., Scheideler, C. (2019). Faster Construction of Overlay Networks. In: Censor-Hillel, K., Flammini, M. (eds) Structural Information and Communication Complexity. SIROCCO 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 11639. Springer, Cham. 
    3. Schmid, S., 2010, July. Robust architectures for open distributed systems and topological self-stabilization. In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Reliability, Availability, and Security (pp. 1-6).
    4. Li, B. and Niu, D., 2011. Random network coding in peer-to-peer networks: From theory to practice. Proceedings of the IEEE, 99(3), pp.513-523.
    5. Mitton, N., Fleury, E., Lassous, I.G. and Tixeuil, S., 2005, June. Self-stabilization in self-organized multihop wireless networks. In 25th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (pp. 909-915). IEEE.
  5. Complexity
    1.  Brunner, J., Demaine, E.D., Hendrickson, D. and Wellman, J., 2020. Complexity of retrograde and helpmate chess problems: Even cooperative chess is hard. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.09271.
    2. Wang, W., Liu, A.X. and Shahzad, M., 2016, September. Gait recognition using wifi signals. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing (pp. 363-373).



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Themenverteilung und Termine



VornameNachnameILIASThemaVortragsterminReport Deadline
1 Paul Seiberle ps494 11 Octogonal Mirror Maze 18.11.2024 07.01.2025
1 Lukas Seyfried ls1314 11 Octogonal Mirror Maze 18.11.2024 07.01.2025
2 Moritz Grünwald mg795 24 SLAM 18.11.2024 07.01.2025
2 Taha Ali Tiryaki tt134 24 SLAM 18.11.2024 07.01.2025
3 Jonathan Altherr ja274 13 Efficient Guarding 25.11.2024 13.1.2025
3 Marco Schmidtke ms2261 13 Efficient Guarding 25.11.2024 13.1.2025
4 Till Hoffmann th357 12 Irrational Guard 25.11.2024 13.1.2025
4 Robert Ketterer rk284 12 Irrational Guard 25.11.2024 13.1.2025
5 Alex Greb ag634 34 An Overview on Edge Computing Research 2.12.2024 20.1.2025
5 Omar Hegab oh45 34 An Overview on Edge Computing Research 2.12.2024


6 Elena Berschauer eb380 31-Fog Computing 2.12.2024 20.1.2025
6 Can Ekim Özlü co112 31-Fog Computing 2.12.2024 20.1.2025
7 Julia Liu jl567 36 Great Firewall 9.12.2024 27.1.2025
7 Kasimir Uihlein ku35 36 Great Firewall 9.12.2024 27.1.2025
8 Benjamin Schliebitz bs446 37 Zero Trust Architecture 9.12.2024 27.1.2025
9 Dilkith Nicolas Dumbutu Arachchige dd190 33 Hydra 16.12.2024 03.02.2025
9 Melanie Riedel mr824 33 Hydra 16.12.2024 03.02.2025
10 Sarah Schlegel ss2083 32 Overbot 16.12.2024 03.02.2025
10 Tim Schleider ts522 32 Overbot 16.12.2024 03.02.2025
11 Tomas Damek td171 41 Survey-Self-Stabilization 13.1.2025 18.11.2024
11 Franka Müller fm385 41 Survey-Self-Stabilization 13.1.2025 18.11.2024
12 Nikita Kroh nk415 43 Robust Architectures 13.1.2025 18.11.2024
12 Ben de Boer bd135 43 Robust Architectures 13.1.2025 18.11.2024
13 Julian Roth jr338 45 Self-Stab. Self-Oranized 20.1.2025 25.11.2024
14 Florian Brügel fb455 44 Random Network Coding 20.1.2025 25.11.2024
14 Julian Meisinger jm821 44 Random Network Coding 20.1.2025 25.11.2024
15 Yannis Kubach yk93 52 Gait recognition using wifi signals 27.1.2025 2.12.2024
15 Kai Malaka km324 52 Gait recognition using wifi signals 27.1.2025 2.12.2024
16 Simon Noah Houben sh914 51 Complexity of Chess Problems 27.1.2025 2.12.2024
16 Nils Lennard Steuernagel ns576 51 Complexity of Chess Problems 27.1.2025 2.12.2024

Bitte überprüfen Sie die Themenvergabe und die Termine, sowie die Gruppenzusammenstellung und melden Sie sich ggf. bei Christian Schindelhauer wegen Änderungen.

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